Salon: Behind Trump's push for civil war: A deep history of white supremacist paranoia - September 26, 2020

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“Dr. James Scaminaci III has just published a report about the long historical genesis of this recent push for Political Research Associates, “Battle With Bullets: Advancing a Vision of Civil War.” Scaminaci has a PhD in sociology from Stanford and has worked as a civilian intelligence analyst with expertise on the former Soviet Union, the former Yugoslavia, and organized crime. So the spread of social chaos, internecine violence and associated enabling ideologies is a subject he’s familiar with.”

“Scaminaci traces the roots of culture-war and race-war narratives as far back as the Haitian revolution of the early 19th century. He observes that Steve Bannon nurtured those carefully at Breitbart News and they have played a key role in radicalizing Trump’s base over the past five years, to the point where some of his supporters are visibly preparing themselves for violence. Some parts of this story have been relatively well covered, but Scaminaci provides a much more integrated and historically extensive account of how we reached our present state.”

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